Sunday, April 10, 2011

Love the future

On any given morning I read a lot of random information and according to Oliver Burkeman in the Guardian spam filters are not the answer. No one forces me to click links about plastic surgery record holder Cindy Jackson but I suppose when I sign out of Yahoo I should just look away. I don't have an efficient brain for filtering or filling information.

The recent imprisonment of Ai Weiwei gets filed somewhere in my gut-brain, churning and indigestable...
I admire the creativity of the Chinese for using a similar sounding 'Ai Weilai' (Love the future) to avoid the censors, but that phrase was blocked as well.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


There has been so many catastrophic events lately, of 'biblical' proportions, as the news says. And eventually the news fades and recedes. But the earthquake on March 11, the tsunami that followed and subsequent nuclear crisis in Japan will not be forgotten anytime soon.

I know this blog is supposed to be about things that 'inspire' me but some things just thrust themselves into your consciousness and won't go away. Just this morning I awoke from a dream in which I was sleeping and awoke to see the water rising above my windows...