Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tea and tabs

I need to do more research on tea. All the tea appreciation society needs to do is say 'fancy a cuppa?' and 300 people reply. fascinating. i'm just finishing a blend of loose leaf tea with green rooibos from Vienna. I think tea's appeal is the quiet time to think and the pleasure of something warm in one's mouth and hands, usually accompanied by something sweet. One link led to another and I found these links on flickr that has cuppa related art, such as the illustration by Paula Mills below

I also need to do research on trade in exotic goods --chocolate, coffee, bananas, etc... In this spirit I googled 'banana plantations' I'm interested in how the banana gets from Costa Rica to me.
So I was looking at this link from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations which describes the DNA of two banana pathogens.
in the process it has a map of the areas where bananas are grown.
Probably not the article to read while eating chocolate chip banana muffins.

Figure 2 (a) Latin American sampling sites of Mycosphaerella fijiensis (a) and M. musicola (b) populations used in the present study.

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