Sunday, October 11, 2009

Culture Cake

Thanks to S. Foster, who recommended that I look up Bobby Baker, I heard about this event at Chelsea theatre in London--
Saturday 31 October 2009

Bobby Baker
A one-day workshop

11am - 5pm. Tickets £20.00 (£15.00 concessions)

ODE: culture - def (2) - the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society.
ODE: identity - def (1) - the fact of being who or what a person or thing is; the characteristics determining who or what a person or thing is.

1. Do you have a cultural identity? [ ]
2. Are you bothered? [ ]
3. Are you a practicing artist? [ ]
4. Are you alive? [ ]
5. Do you like cake? [ ]

This workshop is for those scoring 5 ticks. The plan is to explore individual notions of cultural identity - and how these impact on the content, process, practice and production our work. Having identified our 'identities', somewhat briefly, during the day - we will collaborate on producing a cultured, cultural, diverting diversion involving cake - to be presented to visitors at the end of the day in fifteen fleeting moments.

Needless to say I tick all the boxes. I wish I could go but flights to London are prohibitively expensive for Halloween.

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